Pennsylvania Portrait Photographer





Photo: Lena Agnello | IG: lenanycphoto

I know what it’s not struggle to show up on camera so I created a photography business to help others show up for themselves. Exploring your personal identity in a safe, fun inclusive environment can have an incredible impact on your confidence. Whether you have a clear concept for your photoshoot in mind, or you’d like help with planning I’m here to help you express yourself.

I value self-expression, believe love is love, gender equality is a fundamental right and black lives matter and I’m on a mission to help you fall in love with yourself.

No idea is too out of the box when it comes to planning your session.

If this is your vibe I wanna be friends!

  • you want to feel confident + comfortable

  • you want to showcase your individuality

  • you’re looking for art and not awkward posed photos that will just be forgotten on your computer

  • love out of the box creative ideas

  • are down for unique posing, props + locations

  • trust my creative vision

Follow me on Instagram | @ericawhitingphoto